Traits: Panther Chameleon
Similar Trait Search: Panther Chameleon Chameleons for sale
Y – 31 is a one year-old captive bred, and born yellow body blue bar Ambilobe Panther chameleon hold back. I was originally going to use him for my personal collection, but I have acquired too many of these and he is one of the most beautiful most tame and friendly chameleons. He will tell you if he doesn’t wanna be picked up, especially if he is in an awkward position. I have handled him often to keep him friendly when he wants to be held. He is an awesome eater. I will fill up his feeder and he will sit there one by one and plucking them almost before I can even get my hand out of the cage. Serious inquiries only not looking to trade pick up preferred. I’m in Nassau County right near the southern State Bell Parkway and cross Island on 1 mile away. The Long Island Expressway is 15 minutes from me parts of Jersey or 25 minutes from me Connecticut’s about 45 minutes so as far as I know, I’m the only person here in Long Island with chameleons. I would like to meet more. I do have some offspring, just about three months of age. One boy will be three months in a few days. One girl is about a month away. I do have an older girl around six months and a few others that aren’t reserved yet will ship but only if the weather is gonna be great for a week and insurance is available I do not like to ship in the winter so if you’re close, come meet me have a great day. I have a one stop shop no storefront cages new and already set up can be agreed-upon , UVB lights in stock, heat, lamps, bulbs, crickets, worms, custom-made, cricket pens. When you buy a chameleon for me, I need proof. The cage is already set up and that you already have insects at your disposal. I have care sheets that I have personally authored. These are not your pets store chameleons you’ll find they’re all individually raised. That’s why they have all their tails and limbs and arms. Luckily, I’ve never had to experience anything like that. Better pictures will come. Shipping additional.
United States
Unique I.D.
Year Produced
No Trades
CBB (Captive Bred and Born)