
Pastel Yellowbelly Redstripe Leopard Dbl Het Ultramel Tri-Stripe

by Edens Gate Quality Serpents
Updated: March 23, 2024
2022 Pastel Leopard Yellowbelly Red Stripe double het Ultramel Tri-Stripe. Produced from our double visual Ultramel Tri-Stripe. Price includes shipping.
United States
Unique I.D.
Year Produced
Weight in (g)
No Trades
CBB (Captive Bred and Born)
Edens Gate Quality Serpents Store Policy
Thank you for your interest in our reptiles. We strive for healthy and beautiful animals and excellent customer service.A. Definitions: 1. Full Refund and Return (FRR): compensation amounting to 100% including the cost of the animal plus shipping plus return shipping costs. If Buyer is not available for delivery, refuses deliver, or pick up at a hold location before the end of the day, all guarantees are null and void. a. The Seller can send an acceptable, agreed-upon replacement at their own expense. b. If the Buyer refuses to return the animal, NRC applies. c. If the animal does not arrive alive due to a delay by the courier, NRC applies. 2. Claim Period: Time period which Buyer has from delivery to contact Seller and make their claims. Evidence should be included with the claim or provided upon instruction from the Seller. 4 hours after receiving to make the claim 3. Return Period: Time period that Buyer after notification of claim in which to arrange suitable shipping dates with Seller, making sure the shipment will not land on a weekend or holiday. 3 days to return the animal. 4. Non-Return Compensation (NRC): If Buyer refuses to return the animal, Seller does not have to refund the full amount, but may provide a partial refund. In the event the animal is delayed in transit, and does not arrive at its designated time, responsibility lies solely on the shipping company to provide a refund, either whole or partial.Animals are shipped according to all FedEx rules and regulations. Seller is not responsible for shipping delays and mishaps created by the courier or nature. Seller is responsible for delays if Seller is proven negligent in packing or timely drop off with the courier. If an animal dies or is lost due to Seller negligence in shipping, then Seller is responsible for FRR.Genetics are guaranteed unless otherwise specified.