Im getting a jump start on ads, as you can on this site I hope! I had a couple clutches hatch this week and looking at the pics(better ones to come) its a smorgasbord!My breeding year is kicking off with a BANG with my EU kings coming up big! My Hybino Florida king clutch is a test breed my double het Lav hybino females to my EU Hybino T+ male. These are UNRELATED to any snakes in North America! FRESH BLOOD!! As you can see by this poor pic(Im getting better ones as soon as they shed) its a Albino free for all! Both parents were also het for T- albino! This combo has the potential for 6 DIFFERENT albinos, 7 different morphs and 8 different phenoytypes! Box of chocolates for real! All babies will be feeding, individual pics in a couple more days after they shed. But Im going to start with the single morph and hets today, as there are limited quantities.0.3 cb24 Double het(lav, hypo) 66% het T- albino----white faces--$99ea! 1.0 cb24 Hypo het Lav 66% het T- albino--$119 1.1 cb24 Lav het hypo 66% het T- albino--$249pr!All 2.4 of these for $599 plus shipping!Double/triple morphs to come when Identified,,,,,soon.My 2nd clutch hatching is from a Lav Jelly x Jelly whiteside. There should be 3 phenotypes(T-, peanut butter and Jelly). I need some experts to help me here as they look sexually dimorphic with the females being deeper purple.1.0 cb24 T- Albino het lav and het whiteside-$119....would go well with females from hybino clutch! 2.2 cb24 Jelly het lav and whiteside--$249pr