Traits: Dominican Red Mountain Boa
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DRMB Coloring and Why Our Prices VaryWe price our DRMB babies based on: #1 on intensity of developing Red color, #2 on degree of developing Contrast between saddles and background, #3 on amount of Black edging the saddles. Our pricing is according to current market popularity. The overall effect of color, contrast and pattern at maturity and its desirability is subjective. On our website you can see photos of their dam and sire at the top of the page. As examples, Athena is moderately high Red with a moderately high Contrast and moderate amount of Black. D’Artagnon is low Red, high Contrast and high Black. If you have any questions regarding a particular boa baby and its potential coloring at maturity, send questions to ATTN Roxanne. DRMBs continue to develop their color over several years. What you see as a baby gives clues of what coloring to anticipate at maturity.Females are priced higher than males, regardless.A Few Other Things to Note About Our DRMBsAll our babies are started on f/t rodents from the get go. As a buyer we would want the convenience and ease of feeding only f/t rodents, so that is what we provide for our customers.We do not sell any boas that are not readily eating on their own. We’ve suffered the nightmare of being sold poor eaters. We would NEVER do that to our customers!All of our boa babies are handled at least weekly from birth so that each is comfortable with it when they are ready to go home. As individuals, some are more active and some are quite laid back. Feel free to ask us which is which if you are looking for personality over visual appearance.As babies, DRMBs do musk. It just happens. As they get older it happens less frequently. We cannot remember the last time our adults musked with handling.At maturity, a DRMB can reach an average of 7 to 8 feet in length. They are robust in girth but not large, and are certainly very comfortable to handle, not being heavy for their size. They are not an overly active snake and are quite neat in their habits. They are a calm and curious boa, always obviously aware of what their people are doing, seeming to ask to come out and get involved. We find them to be the Puppy Dog of Boas! For questions about habitat requirements, send questions to ATTN Steve.
United States
Unique I.D.
Year Produced
No Trades
CBB (Captive Bred and Born)