
2023 Male Strawberry Snow Tessera het Motley or Stripe pos het Sunrise

by Mt Pleasant Herps
Updated: March 26, 2024
2023 Strawberry Snow Tessera het Motley or Stripe pos het SunriseEating appropriately sized f/t miceDOH 6/22/23All hatchlings have successfully eaten at least one frozen/thawed meal before they are made available for sale. They will be ready to ship after they have eaten at least three consecutive meals. Their anticipated "Ready-to-Ship" date is 7/18/23 (unsexed) or 7/24/23 (sexed).
United States
Unique I.D.
Year Produced
No Trades
CBB (Captive Bred and Born)
About Mt Pleasant Herps
Mount Pleasant Herps is a husband and wife (a retired veterinarian) team whose goal is to produce quality colubrids, boas and pythons for pets and breeding projects.We have a combined 70 years of experience with animal husbandry and medicine, with 27 of those including a variety of reptiles. At Mount Pleasant Herps we have taken the time to search out and purchase healthy and ideal breeding specimens to fulfill our breeding projects for years to come. Our near future breeding plans include the production of a variety of colorful corn snakes, Bamboo Rat Snakes, Baird's Rat Snakes, Brazilian Rainbow Boas and Dominican Red Mountain Boas. Our pairings are carefully selected by each animal’s genetics in order to produce healthy and interesting off-spring. Our animals are handled regularly and feeding well on F/T rodents before being offered for sale so that what you get is a healthy, tame and easy to care for snake that will be enjoyed for many years.
Mt Pleasant Herps Store Policy
Purchases can be made directly through our website MtPleasantHerps.com. Payments can be made via credit card or debit card.Please read our store policies at: https://www.mtpleasantherps.com/policies-purchasing--shipping.html