
Hypo DH Blood 66% Khal Albino

by Tall Boa & Balls
Updated: March 27, 2024
This girl is from some of the best blood bloodline and prefect in every way. Her dad was produced by Vin Russo and is dripping in red. Her mom was produced by Gilbert and is 100% Het Khal Albino. She will make a great add on to your blood projects.
United States
Unique I.D.
Year Produced
Will Consider
CBB (Captive Bred and Born)
Tall Boa & Balls Store Policy
Shipping is available to anywhere in the USA and exporting is available also. All animals have a 25% nonrefundable deposit that can hold them or are part of any payment sent.Genetics Guarantee: Because of the increasingly complex projects, we can't 100% guarantee accuracy on CoDom genes in our animals. Animals will be identified to the best of our ability and we will never intentionally mislead a customer regarding the genetic's of an animal. (Recessive gene's & Het's are always fully guaranteed) Thank you