Step 1: Navigate to the Import section of your Manage Inventory Screen

Our newly re-designed Inventory Management screen has a few tabs across the top. The one you are looking for is the “Import” tab. It will look like this when there are no imported listings.

Step 2: Download the fyr-import-sample.csv file from that screen

Click on the download link to download the file named: “fyr-import-sample.csv”
This is what’s referred to as a Comma Separated Value file. These can be easily edited and modified using any spreadsheet program.

Step 3: Open the file fyr-import-sample.csv in your favorite spreadsheet program

We use Google Sheets, but any spreadsheet software will do! Microsoft Excel, whatever the Mac one is called are also good options. First thing is to open a blank spreadsheet.

From there you will want to go to File->Open You can then choose the file that you downloaded in the previous step.

Step 4: Fill out or copy content into the spreadsheet fyr-import-sample.csv

Now that we have the blank .CSV file open, we are ready to copy and paste columns of information that will become listings in our system. Most marketplace websites where your listings will be have an export feature where you can get a .CSV file with all of your listings information. This is also true for shopping cart webistes like shopify, etc. First step is to identify where to export your .CSV file. Here is an example.

You may have a few options for what the type of file that you will be downloading with your listings, please choose .CSV.

Back to your spreadsheet program to open the .CSV file that we just downloaded. You will notice that it has a lot of fields. Some we will use, some we will not.

The ones we want to focus on are: Title*, Animal_Id*, Price, Sex, Dob, Photo_Urls, Desc, Origin, Is_For_Trade. The fields in the blank .CSV file will roughly match up with those. Now we need to copy the data from the .CSV file we downloaded into the blank .CSV.

Copy as much information as you can into the blank .CSV file. This will make it a breeze to publish your listings. The blank .CSV should look something like this when it is all filled out with the information from your exported listings.

Notice that I am missing a few fields, weight, DOB. That’s OK! We will be able to fill out these fields before the listings are published.

Step 5: Save file as .csv file

Now is the time to save the blank. CSV file that you downloaded from us that now has all of your listings information in it. File->Download->Comma Separated Values (.csv). The file name doesn’t matter, feel free to rename it.

Step 6: Drag .csv file or hit the "Choose File" button on the import screen

Now, we need to get that .CSV into the Find Your Reptile inventory system. You can either hit the “Choose File” button or drag and drop the file directly onto the “No File Chosen” field in the import tab.

Once you have the file uploaded correctly, the file name of your .CSV file will show up in the field like this.

Step 7: Hit the Import button and WAIT

Hit the import button and WAIT! Please do not hit the back button, refresh button, any buttons, just wait for it to do it’s thing. After the import has completed you will see all the listings that you imported. They will be located under the import tab. You may notice that some of the pictures don’t show at first. Our system optimizes and crunches those pictures and that can take a few minutes after the import is complete. Your import tab will look like this.

Step 8: Choose Category by multiselect

By default the Category, Genetics and Traits fields are left blank. We have done this to insure accuracy when importing listings. We have implemented a multi-select function to help with choosing a category for each of your listings. For example, my import consisted of some boas and a carpet python. I would select all the boas and then select “Update Category” from the bulk update dropdown. Select the category, in this case Boa Imperator, and hit the “Select Category” button. Then hit the “Bulk Update” button. This will update all the listings that you have selected with the category they go in.

Step 9: Edit listings to choose Genetics and Traits

Now we need to update each record with genetics and traits. Click on the title of any of your listings and it will take you to the edit listing page. Fill out any additional fields that you would like to use to describe the animal that you are listing for sale as well as any required fields that were not in the .CSV file. Then hit the “Preview” button.

After hitting “Preview”, you will be presented with your listing. At the bottom of the page you will have 3 options. “Edit Listing”, “Publish Listing”, “Publish Listing and Go to Next”. The third option will publish the current listing and take you to the next listing in the list that needs attention before publishing. This will allow you to go through listings, select genetics and traits and move on to the next listing quickly.

Once all listings have been gone through and all categories, genetics, traits and required fields have been filled out all of your listings will be active and published.

Bulk Import Wrap-Up

It seems like a lot of steps, but once you get into it, this process will greatly decrease the time it takes for you to “Move” your listings from one platform to another. If you have any questions or feedback feel free to reach out! Thank you!


Navigate to the Import section of your Manage Inventory screen to begin the import process. You will find instructions there.

Use the provided fyr-import-sample.csv Comma Separated Value file, which can be edited with any spreadsheet program.

After importing, edit each listing to select appropriate categories, genetics, and traits to ensure accuracy before publishing.

Wait a few minutes after import completion, as the system optimizes and processes images, which may not show up instantly.